Name: Fuel filter DT Spare Parts 5.45121 Fuel filter d: 62 mm D: 93 mm H: 144 mm
Brand: DT Spare Parts
Packaging unit: 1 piece(s)
EAN: 4057795179363
Suitable for:
- CASE IH B1050595
- CHRYSLER 928 301
- CHRYSLER 928301
- CLAAS 00 0178 034 0
- CLAAS 0001780340
- DAF 0131869
- DAF 0243000
- DAF 0247139
- DAF 131869
- DAF 1318695
- DAF 243000
- DAF 247139
- DAF BRU6932
- DEUTZ 0024 7139
- DEUTZ 00247139
- DEUTZ 0116 1003
- DEUTZ 0116 4520
- DEUTZ 0116 4620
- DEUTZ 01161003
- DEUTZ 01164520
- DEUTZ 01164620
- DEUTZ 0117 4422
- DEUTZ 01174422
- DEUTZ 0118 3359
- DEUTZ 01183359
- DEUTZ 0190 2133
- DEUTZ 01902133
- DEUTZ 81219 1802 9300
- DEUTZ 8121918029300
- FAUN 0746920
- FAUN 1470827
- FAUN 4134475
- FIAT 0024 7139
- FIAT 00247139
- FIAT 0036 3031
- FIAT 00363031
- FIAT 0116 1003
- FIAT 0116 4620
- FIAT 01161003
- FIAT 01164620
- FIAT 0117 4422
- FIAT 01174422
- FIAT 116 1003
- FIAT 116 4620
- FIAT 1161003
- FIAT 1164620
- FIAT 117 4422
- FIAT 1174422
- FIAT 24 7139
- FIAT 247139
- FIAT 36 3031
- FIAT 363031
- FODEN TRUCKS Y03732006
- FORD 5011267
- FORD 5011490
- IVECO 0116 4620
- IVECO 01164620
- IVECO 0190 2133
- IVECO 01902133
- IVECO 116 4620
- IVECO 1164620
- IVECO 190 2133
- IVECO 1902133
- IVECO 5 0313 9140
- IVECO 503139140
- KAELBLE 40001351
- KHD 0116 1003
- KHD 0116 4620
- KHD 01161003
- KHD 01164620
- KHD 0117 4422
- KHD 01174422
- KHD 81219 1802 9300
- KHD 8121918029300
- LIEBHERR 550228577
- LIEBHERR 5601514
- MERCEDES-BENZ 000 092 8301
- MERCEDES-BENZ 0000928301
- MWM 605411880004
- MWM 60541188004
- POCLAIN 1050595
- POCLAIN B1050595
- RENAULT 50 10 359 706
- RENAULT 5010359706
- RENAULT 60 05 019 574
- RENAULT 6005019574
- SAVA 928324
- SAVA SN324
- SOLARIS 0170149000
- SOLARIS 170149000
- STEYR 217.774.51
- STEYR 21777451
- VOLVO 11711074
Other product features:
- Weight [g]: 680
- Filter type: Screw-on Filter
- Warranty: 2 years warranty
- Inner diameter [mm]: 62
- Outer diameter [mm]: 93
- Height [mm]: 144
Everything from one single brand
The DT Spare Parts brand from Germany provides a complete range with around 40,000 automotive parts and accessories suitable for millions of reference numbers - no matter whether for trucks, trailers, buses and transporters or other applications, e.g. cars, agricultural vehicles, construction vehicles, marine or industrial applications, and many more.